How to register, and get started with the iSlide add-in!

When you have downloaded the iSlide add-in, and installed it on your computer, the first thing you must do, is register an account with iSlide. That is rather common nowadays, but iSlide also needs it to identify your requests to the API's and check if there are limitations on your account, for instance, when you don't want to purchase the Premium (VIP) subscription. This page provides you with the step by step details on how to register your account, usually your email address with iSlide. After registration you can join all the great features and one-click replacements out of all the resources that iSlide can provide you. Please note that we only use this registration for the use of the add-in and your kind of membership. We never use it for something else. See our user- and license agreement for all the boring details.


Signup for an account!


You can watch this video to see how the installation process works: Installing iSlide 6 After installing the iSlide add-in you start with creating an account, which is located next to the login page.

In most cases, you first have to slide a puzzle piece to the correct location.

1. Fill in the email address that you are going to use.
2. Fill in your new password prior to the other steps, as there is little time for it after verification. It needs numbers and letters
3. Click on the Get Verification Code link. You receive a code a second later! You have 60 seconds to fill in the code you get in the email. You see the seconds counting down. If not, see the next screen.
4. Enter the verification code from your email here.
5. Agree to the User and Privacy policies. If you have questions about it, just contact us by email.
6. The red registration box will light up after step 5. Just click on it to finish the registration of your email address/0account.

Click the checkbox (arrow) to agree with the License agreement and Privacy policy, and click "Signup now". You can find them on every page of our website.

  Registration page of the iSlide PowerPoint add-in

 iSlide Email verification example



Email verification code


After clicking the "Send Code" like the instructions above (2), you receive an email like this, confirming your mail address and providing you with a 6 number/letter code combination.

You have to fill this in at (3) and confirm / verify it, by swiping the verification bar (4) to the right, within 60 seconds.

Some email providers do not allow our verification codes in the mail. Some put it in the "Unwanted/spam" box, sometimes it never arrives. They have various reasons for it, but we cannot help it.

In that case, create a,, outlook, live, Zoho, Yahoo, Inbox, or or whatever (online) mail account is common in your country. We do not email or contact you, we just need it to register your account for authentication purposes.

Tip: Open your (web)mail before clicking the Send Code button. You can copy/paste the code directly from the mail into the signup screen.


Registration completed!


After these steps you get to see a small screen overlay, telling you the registration was successful!

Great! Now you can start using free iSlide PowerPoint add-in and enjoy all the free features and thousands of PPT resources from templates, pictures, diagrams, charts, icons, and vectors, all packed in searchable libraries!

Remember, if there is a colored diamond in the example within the library, you may be limited to the number you can download on a daily basis. 

Consider to upgrade your account to a premium membership, so you do not have to worry about that anymore. It is not expensive at all! Check it out here.

  iSlide registration success screen

iSlide login screen with all the options



iSlide Login


Whenever you start your PowerPoint, the iSlide add-in is now integrated into your menu-bar. Click on the login button or User Center to login and use the iSlide features and resources.

Depending a little on your system settings, the login will be remembered, but in User Center you can also bind the login credentials to your favorite social account, like Google, Facebook, WeChat, QQ or Twitter. We are working on more social account bindings.

From here you are also able to reset your password anytime you like it., Invite other people to start taking a look at the iSlide features. Or better, just tell them how nice it works!

When you click in the User Center on "My Membership" you will also find the button to start and/or activate your Premium membership.

Questions about the registration procedure? Just contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

As a registered user, you can use all the free resources and features that are available in the iSlide add-in. With the Premium membership however, you will never experience any restrictions on the resources available in all the libraries. No more checking if there is a colored diamond in the library example. Please remember that themes, pictures, icons, vectors and diagrams are updated on a daily basis, secure and fully checked by our professional designers team. Follow us on LinkedIn or Facebook, to keep up to date with the latest news, or for quick tips and design and inspiration ideas.

Not a (free) user of iSlide yet?
Start downloading the installer now, register your account like described on this page, and start making great presentations that surprise your audience!
Try iSlide now!

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